Saturday, April 26, 2008

Birthday Blessings

Happy birthday to me,

happy birthday to me,

happy birthday dear me-ee,

happy birthday to me!

I was feeling a little sorry for myself about my birthday, since we aren't going to do much for celebrating. (what with upcoming funeral, prepping for Sunday services, still sick child) But then I thought, is upper 30's anything to get that hyped up about anyway? And Lil' Princess and RevHubby both were so sweet about me enjoying my presents. Lil' P was so excited, she couldn't wait until today, she had to give me her present yesterday. It's a stuffed toy, a horse, which we named Flower. Very cute!
Next weekend we'll be having Lil' P's birthday party, so I'll get my cake and party fix then.
I'm grateful for another year of life, and looking forward to see what this next year will bring. Here's to the adventure!

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