Tonight we had the first Worship planning meeting since I've been in this parish. I've been going it alone up till now, so it was a relief to get others' perspectives on worship, and hear some excitement about doing new things. And hear some ideas take flight in ways I could have never envisioned on my own!
What seemed to get the motors really revving was when I mentioned that October 5th is World Communion Sunday. Boy, did the ideas start flowing! They want me to learn about how other countries "do" communion, and maybe incorporate a different tradition into our communion that day. We're going to have some great congregational music from around the world, we're going to have the kids make decorations for the worship space and design the bulletin cover, and see if we can get some info and decorations from a local retired pastor who was a missionary in Africa for over 30 years. We're going to try to really build this up, and get folks excited. Since this synod's connection with our Companion Synod in Africa is extremely minimal, I thought I'd try to get some info about it, and do some educating about it.
So we're off to a promising start, just as long as we keep good communication with the whole parish about what we're doing and why, and make sure we keep everyone involved. Yay for worship planning!!!!
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