Friday, October 23, 2009

Under the Weather

The sickness continues at our place. Lil' Princess and I still are under the weather, a week later. Actually, my cough is worse, and my back went out this week, so I'll be going in to the clinic today.

The clinic and hospital are places you want to avoid these days. The cases of swine flu and influenza A are rampant, I'm surprised that any of our local schools have stayed open this week. So many students and teachers are ill, including Lil' P's teacher. The clinics can't keep up with the load of patients, I'm truly surprised I got an appointment this week, all the doctors are overloaded. The scheduler at our clinic sounded frazzled and exhausted when I called.

I go back to work in a week, and I'm concerned about many things, including still being sick. We still have to figure out how we're going to manage juggling my work and taking care of SweetBaby. That stresses me out! We don't have daycare, and SweetB is still colic-y, and I have some really tough work situations waiting for me, and on and on and on. I'm trying to stay calm and not freak out, but I am such a natural-born worrier (thanks Dad!).

So I'm looking for some good health, and some serenity. God grant me the serenity...

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